813 Distributors, LLC has full confidence in the abilities of Demeter Properties, Inc. We have used some of their contractors on our own property holdings and have been beyond satisfied with the quality of work. We had near zero monthly maintenance issues on the properties they've worked on, which is a stark contrast to our experience with other local companies.
With this said, there is still a "rule of thumb" regarding construction and renovations that every investor must fully understand and accept before moving forward. Experienced investors should already know this, but a new investor may not have realistic expectations in this area. This rule is similar to what is commonly known as the Project Management Triangle, and it goes as follows:
Pick Any Two
There are three options to get any project done. Those options are: Fast, Good and Cheap. But you can't have all three. You can only have two. Any two, but only two.
This triangle reflects the fact that the three sides of any project are interrelated, and it is not possible to optimize all three – one will always suffer. In other words you have three options:
- It can be done Fast and it can be done Good, but it will not be Cheap.
- It can be done Fast and it can be done Cheap, but it will not be Good.
- It can be done Good and it can be done Cheap, but it will not be Fast.
I fully understand the principles of the Project Management Triangle and am ready to move forward, always keeping these principles in mind at all times.
Check here if you understand and accept these principles.